Monday 23 April 2012

Ancient Egyptian Names : Periods of Ancient Egyptian History

Early Dynastic Period (3100-2890 BC) There does exist evidence of human activity included in the Western Desert dating back to 8000 BC, but that which we regard as ancient Egypt began in 3100 BC most likely the most unification of Upper (southern) and Lower (northern) Egypt by King Narmer (generally known as Menes), who created a capital at Memphis. Old Kingdom (2686-2181 BC) Also called age the Pyramids, successive dynasties of kings raised a chain of pyramids, the actual best of that had been the trio at Giza. Subsequently, poor harvests depleted the royal coffers, which led which has a decline in royal power, signified by way of decrease in the specific size of pyramids. First Intermediate Period (2181-2055 BC) Adverse reactions . unstable period of ancient Egyptian history there initially were numerous ephemeral kings. The weakening of centralized power led in the direction of establishment of local dynasties, notably at Herakleopolis involved in the Fayoum Oasis and Thebes south. Middle Kingdom (2055-1650 BC) The powerful warlord Montuhotep II conquered its northern border to reunite the united states with Thebes (modern-day Luxor) because it is new capital, which grew correct into a major metropolis. New home buyers river, the very first tombs and funerary temples were constructed while in the foot with regards to the Theban Hills located on the west bank of all the Nile. Second Intermediate Period (1650-1550 BC) Migrants from lands north of Egypt, called Hyksos, assumed control and allied with Nubia to dominate southern Egypt. A rural area became at the mercy of intermittent civil war. New Kingdom (1550-1069 BC) From the most reunification of north and south properly as the expulsion of the coming Hyksos, Egypt entered a Golden Age, expanding its rule into Asia Minor so that as far due to the fact Euphrates. Captured treasures enriched the royal powerbase at Karnak, seat of the coming mightiest pharaohs including Ramses II. Third Intermediate Period (1069-715 BC) The Brand New Kingdom turned into four centuries of disunity and foreign infiltration, with Egypt again split up into north (ruled from Tanis on the inside Delta) and south (ruled based on the priests of Karnak) and at the mercy of invasion by Libyans and Nubians. Late Period (747-332 BC) Morrison A Pardon Period began along with your Assyrian invasion of Egypt, as well as the Persians in 525 BC. The Persians ruled for 200 years interrupted only due to the short-lived 30th Dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs (380-343 BC), was the last native rulers through to the Revolution of 1952. Graeco-Roman Period (332-30 BC) In 332 BC the Macedonian king Alexander "liberated" Egypt out of your Persians and founded his new capital, Alexandria, located on the Mediterranean. He had been succeeded by his trusted general Ptolemy, who founded a dynasty that ruled for 275 years ending that has the dramatic death in regards to final Ptolemies, Cleopatra VII, lover of Julius Caesar and Marc Antony. Wedding and reception Pharaohs Inflenced by the defeat and suicide of Cleopatra in 30 BC, Egypt became aspect of the Roman empire. It remained according to the rule of Rome, as well as that of Constantinople, capital of a typical Byzantine Empire, through to the arrival of conquering Arab armies in AD 640. Top 10 Princess of Ancient Egypt Narmer (c.3100 BC) The king who started 30 dynasties of ancient Egyptian royalty. Djoser (2667-2648 BC) Djoser's architect Imhotep built the Step Pyramid at Saqqara, by far the oldest stone monument. Khufu (2589-2566 BC) A ruthless pharaoh, but celebrated mainly because the builder all around the Great Pyramid at Giza. Montuhotep II (2055-2004 BC) Reunited Egypt to initiatethe Middle Kingdom. Ahmose (1550-1525 BC) Defeated the Hyksos to reunite Egypt just as before as well as the most successful period of Pharaonic history. Hatshepsut (1473-1458 BC) Egypt's only woman pharaoh and builder of a striking mortuary temple at Thebes. Tuthmosis III (1479-1425 BC) A military genius whose victories expanded the Egyptian empire to its furthest extents. Akhenaten (1352-1336 BC) Labelled simply because the "Heretic King" by reason of his attempts to embrace monotheism. Ramses II (1279-1213 BC) Ramses II's 66-year reign saw royal construction on a huge scale, notably at Abu Simbel. Cleopatra (51-30 BC) Cleopatra VII's death brought to an end 3,070 many years of ancient Egyptian history

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